Your Performance
Keeps Byron's
Sponsor Categories
Maestro: Event underwriter
Conductor: $1000.
Performer: $ 500
Fan: Under $100
Not a tax deductible donation, the IRS does not see the arts as non-profit even when they are negative flow.
Each level receives an autographed gift.
"Scintillating" a quote by Ephran Younger, VP Carmel Classic Guitar Festival
Volunteers reveive a gift pack with a rare CD
You could be involved, all of these tasks need to be done, Imagine doing them all as well as being the performer who has to be prepared to dazzel on a moments notice! Does it pay? Not in money, it usually costs the artist to play an event not counting their time and effort. For instance, a concert quality instrument is in the price of a new car range. Recordings, recording equipment, materials, art work, promotion, event promotion, Web site creation, it's a surprisingly expensive and time consuming endeavor.
Locating events
Contacting event managers
Assembling/posting promotional packages
Stage crew
Sound crew
Lighting crew
Negotiations & Logistics
Non-profit status documentation
Organization Manager