Your Performance Insures Byron's
Help share the gift; event planning or Festival applications, forming a non-profit group, creating materials; CD & DVD packaging, word of mouth promotion of events. It's all needed and appreciated.
The event & pre-event needs people;
to haul props, equipment; staging, lighting, amplification, set it up & test it
run a video camera
documentation; collecting attendee names and contact information
sell CD's & DVD's
ticket taking
Disk manufacturing & packaging
order processing
labeling & shipping
updating Web sites
attending to fan mail
assembling promotional materials
notifying & sending promitions to the news media
photos, videos
The artist has to do all that plus pay normal day to day bills which takes a regular job and yes, they have to practice and prepare to be able to dazzle on a moments notice and be worthy of standing on stage in front of an audience filled with high expectations.
Yes, an artist pursues thier craft because they are driven by the love of doing it, but public presentation is sharing a gift..
Did you know that it often costs the musician to play a concert? That's why many soloists performing with orchestras on television or the concert stage are sponsored.
To fill the hall people have to know about the event which means advertising and that is very expensive. To rent the hall is very expensive, people to staff the event, ticket sales, it all takes funding.
Concert quality instruments are rarely owned by the musician any more, they have a benefactor that loans it to them. If you love fine music this is your opportunity to provide assistance to ensure the continuation of great art. It all starts with an idea, a house party of friends, a special guest and good cause.

Your Performance Insures Byron's

At the previous turn of the century, artists such as Arthur Rubinstein lived by virtue of friends and sponsors and were not expected to go make a living, they were a public treasure. When Rubinstein came to America he had a whole new reality to come to terms with and he had to generate income in order to pursue his art. ref: "My Younger Years" by Arthur Rubinstein.
MAESTRO ~ Event Underwriter
Conductor ~ $1000
Performer ~ $ 500
Fan ~ $ 100
Pal ~ Services or under $100
NOT deductible, despite the reality of a musicians income, the IRS does not see them as "non-profit". But the artist makes this world a better place due to their craft
A gift and certificate is give to each donor
Let's Talk
"Scintillating" quote from Ephran Younger, VP Carmel Classic Guitar Festival
Byron Tomingas
PO Box 1032
Jackson, WY
83001 USA
Tel: 307-690-1514