Lifetime of Music award
27th March 2017
Guitarist Byron Paul Tomingas receives a "Lifetime Achievement Award in Music." Presented by Jose & Juanita Oribe in San Diego CA, the award is a priceless Grand Suprema Concert Guitar made of Birds Eye Maple and the final instrument from Master Luthier Oribe who has now retired. Byron is quoted as saying "This is like Beethoven giving you his 9th Symphony, completely overwhelming" Hear Byron's new Golden Oribe in the upcoming PBS Christmass special this winter or in concert or in an intimate setting of Jenny Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park. As to the guitar, "It speaks to me in very intimate terms and has already estabilished itself as my guitar first and foremost"

Byron Returns to Jenny Lake Lodge 11th Season!
June 1st through Oct 7th
Make a special date for a superb five course dinner or just come for drinks and listen in an intimate setting Byron's classic guitar in the large comfortable lounge with a fireplace at Jenny Lake Lodge Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 6pm to 9pm, June 1st to Octorber 7th

GOLD, 3rd in a row!
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The readers of the Jackson Hole Planet Newspaper have selected Byron Tomingas as the best classical musician in Jackson Hole for the third year in a row. Awards that you can't sign up for (like the Lifetime Achievment Award above) and are simply presented because someone goes to the trouble to submit your name make these the finest awards of all. People simply like what you do and that is so very satisfying to an artist!

WY PBS Interviews Byron
Friday the 13th 7:30pm 2016
PBS was at my home in Jackson Hole a few weeks ago and Craig Blumenshine did an interview for Wyoming Chronicles. It's been on the air all this weekend but here's the video link.
Byron is one of the earliest CalArts graduates, 1971 in Classic Guitar Performance, minors: Piano, Electronic Music (Morton Subotnik) & Sitar (Ravi Shankar) Byron's guitar playing won three awards in 3 weeks last year. He won gold again this year for best Classical Musician!

St John's Hospital documentary
March 2016
Charlie Craighead tells a wonderful story in his documentary about the Jackson WY hosptial. There's a short interview with me and a few little clips of my music accompanies the video. Interestingly for a musician, I was delivered by Gene Autry's sister who was a nurse here in the forties.

Sweethearts Party at Dornan's
13th Feb 2016
In the first hour of the event, Byron played his guitar solos including a "Mystery Medley" of love songs, plus a few tunes from his 3 new albums.
The second half included music with some of great Duo's in the area
Val Seaburg & Tom Turiano
Tasha Ghozali & Rob Sidle
Byron & Christine Langdon
with special guest percussionists Mack Bray and Ian Gersten
Then all the musicians got together for a couple of ending songs that brought smiles to everyones hearts.
Sweetheart Party at Dornan's Spur Bar & Restaurant: dinner (5pm - 7pm) Music tuned to your heart!
Drawings for a chance to win a CD's and Byron's exclusive new "wooden USB GUITARS" with a complete collection of photos, films & music, a $100 item.

1000th JH Hootenanny
Tomingas to play at the 1000th performance of the Jackson Hole Hootenanny at the Center for the Arts. SOLD OUT in record breaking time!
Look for blockbuster performances from the stars of the Hoot.
Byron played one of the oldest and most far reaching Folk melodies of the 1600's which became the basis for Smetana's "Ma Vlast" & the National Anthem of Israel; "HaTikvah" (Hope) Smetana's version was about a storm during a walk in the Bavarian Alps, much like our Teton Range. The beauty of the scenery, the building wind storm, thunder and lightning, rain and then sunshine, all in an abreviated 4 minutes to fit Hoot guidelines.
Then onto "picking on" the Bluegrass Boys, where the gauntlet will be thrown down! Look for the video.

New CD Release! 2015 of WY NATIVE SON
September 2015
Songs heard while growing up in a small town in Wyoming.
Surrounded by mountains, radio was very limited, as a small town of a 1000 people, records and other musicians were also highly limited, no TV, long, bitterly cold winters with short days and nothing to do but skating, sledding and practice the little that you knew made a person very good at those bits. These are the songs I heard early in life.

2 in a row GOLD - Best Classical Musician
Spring 2016
Byron takes Gold for Best Musician of the year in the annual "Best of Jackson Hole" awards put on by the free weekly news service "Planet Jackson Hole" Jenelle Johnson wrote about the award:
"As the Jackson Hole Hootenanny winds down each Monday night at Dornan's, regulars scoot to the edge of their seats, anxiously waiting for the Byron Tomingas to take the stage while Hoot newcomers receive a lesson via Professor Tomingas. Whether playing Classical ballads, Flamenco or Jazz, Tomingas captivates his audience with exceptional skill and obvious passion for his craft. A Jackson Hole native and classically trained virtuoso guitarist, Tomingas has the unique ability to seamlessly float from one genre to the next without missing a beat."

Star Wars & Byron
Art & Music Collaboration
Drew Struzan called me and wanted to collaborate his art & my music. Drew might well be the artist that is the most viewed in the world. My bold statement is because his artwork has been used for virtualy all the blockbuster movie posters for the last twenty years. His work is "iconic" meaning if you think of say Star Wars, what do you see in your mind, the crossed light sabers, the black helmet? Those are his artwork/posters. Checkout our creative collaboration, search the internet for Struzan Tomingas.

Jackson Hole Historical Society & Museum
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In the museum, is a kiosk and instrument display from Jackson Holes early history. However that history lies within my lifefime, some of the people who first spent a winter in Jackson Hole were still alive when I was born. So I knew many of the players or of them. The video is where I looked at each instrument and told a little story about it. Such as wonderful Stippy Wolf a multi-champion fiddler and great character! Stop in and take a look.